Daily meteorological data from a weather station in Campinas, Brazil and other parameters required for calculating the crop water balance. The meteorological data belongs to the Agronomic Institute (IAC).
@format ## DataForCWB
A data frame with 15 columns and 129 rows:
- date
- tmed
Average air temperature in Celsius degrees
- tmax
Maximum air temperature in Celsius degrees
- tmin
Minimum air temperature in Celsius degrees
- Ra
Extraterrestrial solar radiation in MJ m-2 day-1
- Rn
Net radiation in MJ m-2 day-1
- W
Wind speed in m s-1
- RH
Relative Humidity in %
- G
Soil Heat Flux in MJ m-2 day-1
- Rain
Rain in millimetres
- Drz
Depth of the root zone in metres
available water capacity (amount of water between field capacity and permanent wilting point) in millimetre of water per metre of soil
management allowed depletion (between 0 and 1)
- Kc
Crop coefficient (between 0 and 1)
- Irrig
Applied net irrigation in millimetres
@source http://www.ciiagro.org.br/